(studies & articles with relevance for healing / Therapeutic Touch and cancer)

Beckett, Thomas & Gwen, Julie, Attitudes Toward Therapeutic Touch: A Pilot Study of Women with Breast Cancer (Master's thesis) East Lansing: Michigan State University 1991. (Abstract only)

Brand W, Davis G, Wood R Experiments with Matthew Manning. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1979;50,782, p199-223.

Bullock M. Reiki: a complementary therapy for life. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 1997 Jan-Feb;14(1):31-3. PMID: 9069762; UI: 97222876

Caudell KA. Psychoneuroimmunology and innovative behavioral interventions in patients with leukemia. Oncol Nurs Forum. 1996 Apr;23(3):493-502. Review. PMID: 8801510; UI: 96271114

Fernandez CV, Stutzer CA, MacWilliam L, Fryer C. Alternative and complementary therapy use in pediatric oncology patients in British Columbia: prevalence and reasons for use and nonuse.
J Clin Oncol. 1998 Apr;16(4):1279-86. PMID: 9552026; UI: 98211752

Gehlhaart C. Therapeutic touch as adjuvant therapy for cancer pain management. Cancer Pain Update. (36):5-6, 1995 Summer.

Giasson M, Bouchard L. Effect of therapeutic touch on the well-being of persons with terminal cancer. J Holist Nurs. 1998 Sep;16(3):383-98. PMID: 9849260; UI: 99066122

Guerrero, M.A. The Effects of Therapeutic Touch on State-Trait Anxiety Level of Oncology Patients (Master's thesis) Galveston: University of Texas 1985

Hammarstrøm, B. (ref.) Healingbehandling som komplement till traditionell medisinsk behandling hos patienter med diagnos lungcancer (Healing as complement to traditional medical treatment in patients with diagnosed lung cancer) Akademiska sjukhusets lungklinikk, Uppsala, Sweden . 1997-1998 (pilotstudie, under publisering).

Jacobsen AML. Non-pharmacological methods in patients with gynecological cancer…pain, anxiety, uneasiness, physical tension, nausea and vomiting. Journal of Cancer Care 2(2):104-6, 1993 Apr.

Kemp, Louise Marie The Effects of Therapeutic Touch on the Anxiety Level of Patients with Cancer Receiving Palliative Care (Master's thesis), Canada: Dalhousie University 1994.

Kotora J. Therapeutic touch can augment traditional therapies. Oncol Nurs Forum. 1997 Sep;24(8):1329-30. PMID: 9380585; UI: 98021045

Ledwith SP. Therapeutic touch and mastectomy: a case study. RN. 1995 Jul;58(7):51-3. PMID: 7624727; UI: 95350583

Messenger T, Roberts KT The terminally ill: serenity nursing interventions for hospice clients. J Gerontol Nurs 1994 Nov;20(11):17-22. PMID: 7995899, UI: 95088314

Milton D. Alternative and complementary therapies: integration into cancer care. AAOHN J. 1998 Sep;46(9):454-61; quiz 462-3. Review. PMID: 9923206; UI: 99121961

Olson K, Hanson J. Using Reiki to manage pain: a preliminary report. Cancer Prev Control. 1997 Jun;1(2):108-13. PMID: 9765732; UI: 98438869

Onetto, Brenio & Elguin, Gita H. Psychokinesis in Experimental Tumorgenesis (Abstract of dissertation in psychology, University of Chile 1964), Journal of Parapsychology 1966, 30, 220. (Also in Spanish: Acta Psiquiatrica Y Psicologia America Latina 1968, 14, 47.

Podolsky D. A new age of healing hands. Cancer centers embrace alternative therapies as 'complementary care'. US News World Rep. 1996 Feb 5;120(5):71, 74. PMID: 10154339; UI: 96162956

Samarel N. Therapeutic touch, dialogue, and women's experiences in breast cancer surgery. Holist Nurs Pract. 1997 Oct;12(1):62-70. PMID: 9384072; UI: 98045380

Samarel N, Fawcett J, Davis MM, Ryan FM. Effects of dialogue and therapeutic touch on preoperative and postoperative experiences of breast cancer surgery: an exploratory study. Oncol Nurs Forum. 1998 Sep;25(8):1369-76. PMID: 9766290; UI: 98439427

Simonton SS, Sherman AC. Psychological aspects of mind-body medicine: promises and pitfalls from research with cancer patients. Alternative Therapies 1998;4(4):50-67

Smith AL, Laskow L. Intentional Healing in Cultured Breast Cancer Cells. (Alan Smith, MD, 4102 Moller Dr. Pleasanton, CA 94566, USA. Tel. 925-462-6222.)

Snel, Frans W. J. J. PK influence on malignant cell growth, Research Letter of the University of Utrecht 1980, 10, 19-27. (cell cultures)

Snel, Frans WJ J. & Van der Sijde, Peter C. The effect of paranormal healing on tumor growth, Journal of Scientific Exploration 1995, 9(2), 209-221.

Snyder JR Therapeutic touch and the terminally ill: healing power through the hands. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 1997 Mar-Apr;14(2):83-7. PMID: 9295408, UI: 97441157

Sodergren, Kathleen Anne The Effect of Absorption and Social Closeness on Responses to Educational and Relaxation Therapies in Patients with Anticipatory Nausea and Vomiting During Cancer Chemotherapy (Doctoral dissertation) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota 1993

Suhr GM, Lushington JA, Brogdon BG. A miraculous cure: spontaneous disappearance of abdominal tumor after "laying on of hands". American Journal of Roentgenology 1991;157,p 1355.

Synder JR Therapeutic touch in hospice care. Am Journal of Nursing 99(4):46, 1999 Apr. (8 ref)

Widell, Jonna. Healing. En sociologisk undersøgelse. Forskningsprojekt, del 2. (Healing. A sociologic study. Research project, part 2.) Healerringen, Denmark 1999.

Zambetis, Donna Blanche, Attitudes of Women with Breast Cancer Toward Therapeutic Touch (Master's thesis), Michigan State University 1996. (Abstract only)

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